Field Scale Modeling of Local Capillary Trapping during CO2 Injection into the Saline Aquifer 


Local capillary traps in the near-well region can be fully filled during injection. Moreover, they remain filled after post-injection buoyancy-driven flow ends. Final CO2 distribution is controlled by local capillary traps intrinsic to the capillary pressure heterogeneity. Geologic Criteria gives fast and good prediction of local capillary traps in the CO2 swept zone during injection.The extended connectivity analysis shows a good match of CO2 plume computed by the full-physics simulation (CMG-GEM). Here exists a threshold Dykstra-Parsons coefficient, below which low injection rate gives rise to more LCT; whereas higher injection rate increases LCT in heterogeneous reservoirs. Both the geologic criteria and connectivity analysis are very fast; therefore, the integrated methodologies can be used as a quick tool to estimate local capillary trapping at the field scale.

Keyword: CCUS, CO2, GEM, local capillary traps, Dykstra-Parsons coefficient


