Enhancing recovery and sensitivity studies in an unconventional tight gas condensate reservoir
The recovery factor from tight gas reservoirs is typically less than 15%, even with multistage hydraulic fracturing stimulation. Such low recovery is exacerbated in tight gas condensate reservoirs, where the depletion of gas leaves the valuable condensate behind. In this paper, three enhanced gas recovery (EGR) methods including produced gas injection, CO2 injection and water injection are investigated to increase the well productivity for a tight gas condensate reservoir in the Montney Formation, Canada. The production performance of the three EGR methods is compared, and their economic feasibility is evaluated. Sensitivity analysis of the key factors such as primary production duration, bottom-hole pressures, and fracture conductivity is conducted and their effects on the well production performance are analyzed. Results show that, compared with the simple depletion method, both the cumulative gas and condensate production increase with fluids injected. Produced gas injection leads to both a higher gas and condensate production compared with those of the CO2 injection, while waterflooding suffers from injection difficulty and the corresponding low sweep efficiency. Meanwhile, the injection cost is lower for the produced gas injection due to the on-site available gas source and minimal transport costs, gaining more economic benefits than the other EGR methods.
Keywords: Tight gas condensate reservoirs Enhanced/improved gas recovery Produced gas injection Sensitivity study