Prototyping and testing a new volumetric curvature tool for modeling reservoir compartments and leakage pathways in the Arbuckle saline aquifer: reducing uncertainty in CO2 storage and permanence

本项目旨在开发和测试一种新的体积曲率工具,用于模拟阿巴克尔盐含水层的储层分区和泄漏路径,以降低二氧化碳封存的不确定性。本季度主要成果包括:完成了预钻探地质格架模型的模拟和历史拟合;完成了 McCord - A 20H 测井的岩石物理评估;将地震反演数据纳入孔隙度建模工作流程;提供了用于约束岩相 - 岩石物理关系的薄片分析结果。创建了数值模拟模型评估裂缝块间通量及定向井适用性,并通过历史拟合验证,虽历史拟合不唯一,但为后续分析不确定因素对通量的影响奠定了基础。同时,正在进行 McCord - A 20H 成像测井的结构解释和断层模型修订工作。下一季度计划获取钻孔流体样本、完成地震属性条件体、确定岩相模型、完成成像测井解释、继续模拟敏感性研究和导入遥感解释数据。


CMG 软件应用情况
在预钻探模拟中,利用 Computer Modeling Group 的模拟工具 “IMEX” 进行数值模拟建模。首先将在 Petrel 中创建的静态地质格架模型数据以 RESCUE 格式导出,再导入到 CMG 软件程序 BUILDER 中。从静态模型中提取包含感兴趣断层块的子网格及相关参数用于动态建模,包括救援网格的角点几何、细胞孔隙度、渗透率、无效细胞、初始水饱和度、井轨迹等信息,并为动态模型设定了如含水层函数、岩石压缩系数等相关模拟网格值,为后续的模拟和分析提供基础模型架构。
作者:Jason Rush、W. Lynn Watney 堪萨斯大学

“Prototyping and testing a new volumetric curvature tool for modeling reservoir compartments and leakage pathways in the Arbuckle saline aquifer: reducing uncertainty in CO2 storage and permanence,” was signed with U.S. DOE on October 1, 2010. The project is collaboration between the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) and its industry partner MVP LLC (a partnership between Murfin Drilling Company and Vess Oil Corporation).The project study area is located in Ellis County, Kansas.

Major results from this quarter include: (1) simulation and history matching of the pre-spud geocellular model; (2) completion of the petrophysical evaluation for the McCord-A 20H logs; (3) inclusion of the seismic inversion volume into the porosity modeling workflow; and (4) delivery of thin sections corresponding to the L. Hadley-4 core analyses, which will be used to constrain rock fabric-petrophysical relationships (i.e., facies model).

A numerical simulation model has been created for the Bemis Shutts Arbuckle formation to evaluate flux between fracture blocks and the applicability of directional wells in this style of reservoir. The simulation model focused on the fault block including or adjacent to the McCord-A 20H well. The model has been validated as a predictive tool by history matching individual well production history. The Leases in the study area have been on production from 1937, but the principal validation is based on well tests and historical water cut performance over the period September 1990 through December 2011. The history match is not a unique solution. Several suitable matches were derived under different values for the uncertainty parameters. The next phase of these models will be to analyze the effect of uncertain on the flux between fault blocks.
