Completion Performance Evaluation in Multilateral Wells Incorporating Single and Multiple Types of Flow Control Devices Using Grey Wolf Optimizer








此外,CMG-IMEX软件也被用于模拟间隔控制阀(ICV)的压降、被动流量控制装置(ICD)和自动流量控制装置(AICD)的性能。这些设备的控制是通过TS-EQSETTING关键字来实现的。在研究中,我们还特别使用了CMG-IMEX的VALVE SUBCRIT关键字来模拟ICV的控制和响应机制,以及SPIRAL关键字来模拟ICD和AICD的压降效果。



There has been a tendency in oil and gas industry towards the adoption of multilateral wells (MLWs) with completions that incorporate multiple types of flow control devices (FCDs). In this completion technique, passive inflow control devices (ICDs) or autonomous inflow control devices (AICDs) are positioned within the laterals, while interval control valves (ICVs) are installed at lateral junctions to regulate the overall flow from each lateral. While the outcomes observed in real field applications appear promising, the efficacy of this specific downhole completion combination has yet to undergo comparative testing against alternative completion methods that employ a singular flow control device type. Additionally, the design and current evaluations of such completions are predominantly based on analytical tools that overlook dynamic reservoir behavior, long-term production impacts, and the correlation effects among different devices. In this study, we explore the potential of integrating various types of flow control devices within multilateral wells, employing dynamic optimization process using numerical reservoir simulator while the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) is used as optimization algorithm. The Egg benchmark reservoir model is utilized and developed with two dual-lateral wells. These wells serve as the foundation for implementing and testing 22 distinct completion cases considering single-type and multiple types of flow control devices under reactive and proactive management strategies. This comprehensive investigation aims to shed light on the advantages and limitations of these innovative completion methods in optimizing well and reservoir performance. Our findings revealed that the incorporation of multiple types of FCDs in multilateral well completions significantly enhance well performance and can surpass single-type completions including ICDs or AICDs. However, this enhancement depends on the type of the device implemented inside the lateral and the control strategy that is used to control the ICVs at the lateral junctions. The best performance of multiple-type FCD-based completion was achieved through combining AICDs with reactive ICVs which achieved around 75 million USD profit. This represents 42% and 22% increase in the objective function compared to single-type ICDs and AICDs installations, respectively. The optimal settings for ICD and AICD in individual applications may significantly differ from the optimal settings when combined with ICVs. This highlights a strong correlation between the different devices (control variables), proving that using either a common, simplified analytical, or a standard sequential optimization approach that do not explore this inter-dependence between devices would result in sub-optimal solutions in such completion cases. Notably, the ICVbased completion, where only ICVs are installed with lateral completion, demonstrated superior performance, particularly when ICVs are reactively controlled, resulting in an impressive 80 million USD NPV which represents 53% and 30% increase in the objective function compared to single-type ICDs and AICDs installations, respectively.

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灰狼优化器(Grey Wolf Optimizer,简称GWO)是一种模拟自然界中灰狼社会等级和狩猎行为的优化算法。这种算法由Seyedali Mirjalili等人在2014年提出,它属于群体智能优化算法,通常用于解决全局优化问题。 GWO算法的基本思想是模仿灰狼群的领导结构和狩猎策略,其中包括α(Alpha,领导者)、β(Beta,次领导者)、δ(Delta,追随者)和ω(Omega,最底层成员)四种角色。在搜索最优解的过程中,狼群成员根据这些角色的位置更新自己的位置,通过追踪、包围和攻击猎物的策略来逼近最优解。 GWO算法的主要特点包括:

  • 群体智能:算法中包含了多个搜索代理(即“狼”),它们共同协作以找到最优解。
  • 社会等级:狼群中的每个成员根据其适应度被分配到不同的社会等级中。
  • 狩猎策略:算法模拟了灰狼群的狩猎行为,包括对猎物的追踪、包围和攻击。
  • 参数更新:狼群成员的位置通过数学模型更新,这些模型受到狼群社会结构和狩猎行为的影响。
  • 全局搜索能力:GWO在搜索过程中能够平衡探索(exploration)和开发(exploitation)的平衡,以避免陷入局部最优解。 GWO算法因其简单、鲁棒和高效的特点,已被广泛应用于多个领域的优化问题,如函数优化、神经网络训练、模式识别、机器学习以及工程设计等。在上述提供的文章摘要中,GWO被用于优化多分支井中流量控制装置的配置,以提高油气井的生产效率和经济效益。


  1. 英国赫瑞瓦特大学地质能源工程研究所,爱丁堡
  2. 挪威东南部大学过程、能源与环境技术系,波什格伦
