问答中心分类: 相渗曲线CMG是怎么根据油水和油气相渗数据计算出三相相渗曲线的?且计算的三相相渗曲线是只包括油的相渗,还是也包括气和水的相渗?涉及到那些方法?有没有考虑Stone模型?
gaoyu asked 1年 ago
1 Answers
admin 管理员 answered 1年 ago



采用的Stone 2和Stone 1模型有关介绍如下:

Stone’s Second Model

In Stone’s second model for Kro as modified by Aziz and Settari, the oil relative permeability is computed as

Krw and Krg are always looked up as functions of Sw and Sg, respectively. Krow and Krog are read from water-oil and gas-liquid relative permeability tables, respectively. In IMEX, Krow is tabulated as a function of Sw and Krog is tabulated as a function of Sg. If *KROIL *STONE2*SWSG is in effect and values of SwSo and Sg are given, Krow is looked up in the table as Krow(Sw) and Krog is looked up as Krog(Sg). When *KROIL *STONE2 *SO is in effect, Krow is looked up from the table as Krow(1 – So) and Krog is looked up as Krog(1 – Swcon – So). *SO corresponds to having Krow and Krog looked up directly as functions of So.

In some situations, the user may know Krow and Krog as functions of So rather than of Sw and Sg. IMEX requires that the Krow and Krog curves be entered as functions of Swand Sg, respectively, but the user may enter Krow(Sw = 1 – So) as Krow(So) and Krog(Sg = 1-Swcon – So) as Krog(So) and specify *KROIL *STONE2 *SO. The effect is exactly the same as having Krog and Krow tabulated directly as functions of So.

Stone’s First Model

In Stone’s First Model as modified by Aziz and Settari, Kro is computed as


So*= (So – Som) / (1 – Swcon – Som)  

Sw*= (Sw – Swcon) / (1 – Swcon – Som)

 Sg*= Sg / (1 – Swcon – Som)

for the “minimal” value Som of the oil saturation, IMEX uses the linear function of Sg proposed by Fayers and Matthews (1984):

Som(Sg) = ( 1 – a(Sg) ) Sorw + a(SgSorg,


a(Sg) = Sg / (1 – Swcon – Sorg)

As in Stone’s second model, when the subkeyword *SO is specified, Krow(1 – So) and Krog(1 – Swcon– So) are used in the formula; otherwise, Krow(Sw) and Krog(Sg) are used.

The LINEAR ISOPERM model was proposed by Baker (1988). In this method,Kro(SgSw) is defined in the region Swcon < Sw < 1 – Sorw, 0 < Sg < (1 – Sorw – Sw)(1 – Sorg – Swcon) / (1 – Sorw – Swcon), by specifying curves (isoperms) along which Kro assumes a constant value. In particular, the isoperms are assumed to be straight line segments. For example, if

Kro(Sg=0, Sw) = Krow(Sw) = 0.2 for Sw = Sw2


Kro(SgSwcon) = Krog(Sg) = 0.2 for Sg =Sg2

then all points (SgSw) on the line segment joining (0, Sw2) to (Sg2Swc),

(SgSw) = (0, Sw2) + (Sg2Swcon – Sw2), 0 < b < 1,

also have Kro(SgSw) = 0.2 .

The *SEGREGATED model corresponds to a model which uses a segregated assumption for the gas and water. So is assumed to be constant throughout the block and the water in the gas zone is assumed to be equal to the connate water saturation. Using volume fraction arguments and some algebraic manipulation

where Krog is the oil relative permeability for a system with oil, gas and connate water (created as in *SWSG but looked up as in *SO), and Krow is the oil relative permeability for a system with oil and water only (created as in *SWSG but looked up as in *SO). This model gives similar results as STONE2 on the IMEX templates. However, on a large field problem, significant differences were noted both in results and in CPU times.

With pseudo-miscible option, *KROIL only determines the immiscible Kro calculation. The miscible Kro is calculated separately in pseudo-miscible model (Appendix E).