===================== WARNING (from subroutine: WELIN) ======================
Cannot calculate saturation pressure for non-condensible components.
*PINJW is set internally to 1E6 kPa for well ‘Injector 2’.
需要手动输入PINJW数值,否则内部缺省为1E6 kPa。
====================== ERROR (from subroutine: WELIN) =======================
‘*PINJW’ valid in Recurrent Data for other CMG simulator, but not for STARS.
Check the STARS User’s Manual. Keyword will be ignored.
Line: 124 File Name: E:\CMG\foam-sensity\foam.dat
0 Warning messages. 1 Error messages.
===================== WARNING (from subroutine: WELIN) ======================
Cannot calculate saturation pressure for non-condensible components.
*PINJW is set internally to 1E6 kPa for well ‘Injector 2’.
1 Warning messages. 1 Error messages.