问答中心分类: Winprop死油(脱气油)如何用winprop拟合密度和黏度
123 asked 3周 ago

我先开始拟合Regression Parameter,然后选择cce,输入大气压101.325和油密度和黏度,然后进行调参,但是最后跑出来的结果都显示NaN,还有Delete PVC3 1 : zero gradient等,以及以下内容,请问应该如何解决。
***** Error in REGRES. The sum of squares is insensitive to the present choice of
regression variables. Please choose another set.
=================== FATAL ERROR (from subroutine: REGRES) ====================
Number of active regression variables equals to zero
Cannot proceed with the calculation. Terminating

Terminating simulation: Fatal error.
End of Simulation: Abnormal Termination

1 Answers
wuxiaoyun 管理员 answered 3周 ago

Number of active regression variables equals to zero,你是没有选择调参变量吗?密度可以选择Vol Shitft,粘度选择粘度模型系数,另外也可以选择通用参数Pc,Tc,ace factor

123 replied 3周 ago
